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The Socials will be attended by hundreds of attractive, intelligent, and very eligible women from the area.Three Socials
These interviews are held in the hotel banquet or meeting room and are a fantastic opportunity to meet new women who have not yet placed their profile applications on our Internet pages.New Applicant Interviews
The Hospitality suiteThe Hospitality Suite
This suite will be housed with at least one bilingual customer service representative whose sole function is to take care of any needs you may have.Typical Tour Itinerary
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Russian Women

Welcome to our Phone Translation Service!

Don't let the language barrier stop you! Don't know her phone number - Not a problem!

Don't waste your time... CALL the woman of your dreams TODAY!

Our interpreters are standing by to assist you in your 3-way call to the person of your dreams.

Simple as 1-2-3, Click here to know more about our Phone Translation Service.

Features and Advantages of the PHONE TRANSLATION SERVICE:

  • The service can be used from ANYWHERE in the world.
  • The rates are highly competitive. Check around and compare the rates for interpreter assisted conference calls internationally.
  • There is never a charge to you until you are actually connected to the party you are calling. Our staff will make a "PreSet Call", at Russia Women Tours's expense, to ensure that both parties are available and willing to make the call. We try to set the earliest possible time, sometimes within minutes!
  • Your PHONE TRANSLATION call INCLUDES all long distance phone charges, both international and domestic, if you reside in the USA.
  • Requires 24 hours advance notice to set up call.

Look for this icon at the bottom of the lady's profile find ladies on our website with a "Call Me Now" button next to their picture.

Service is available 1:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, which is 9:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. Moscow time, and 3:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Only $5.99 minute. All Inclusive!


You will be connected to the woman you choose, profiled here... GUARANTEED ... or you pay nothing!

To use this service, you do not have to choose a woman profiled on our website. If you have a phone number, you may use the service for any personal or business purpose.


We have developed this service for those who wish to communicate with individuals in Russia and the CIS countries who do not speak English. We have trained Russian interpreters who are now standing by to assist you in making that special phone call.

Now there is absolutely no reason not to call that someone special in Russia, Ukraine or one of the CIS countries and let her know that you are interested!

You will find the service to be convenient and easy to use.

First you will need to set up a Phone Translation account with us. The minimum account set-up is $50.00. The fee for the calls will be deducted from the account as you use it and we will email you the billing information of your account at the end of each call. If you decide that you no longer wish to use the service, your remaining account balance will be refunded to you.

Once the account has been set up, you are ready to make your reservation to place the call. Simply go to the reservation page, complete and submit the form to us. Please take into consideration the time difference between the two countries, you do not want to call the woman in the middle of the night, or call her during the day when she is most likely at work. For Russia-Ukraine it is usually a 10 to 12 hour difference from MST.

Once you have filled out the reservation form, simply wait for us to call you at the specified number you supplied to us and at the appointed time. Once we have you on the line, we will then call the person you wish to speak with, using conference calling. If you reside in the USA, your phone bill WILL NOT be charged at all. The only charge you will incur is the $5.99 per minute charge for the interpreter service and the call. (The minimum duration of the call is 4 minutes. Due to the time and expense necessary to arrange the call, the minimum charge will be applied for appointments that are not kept by the client). That amount will be automatically deducted from the funds originally deposited into your account.

We guarantee our phone translations. You will not be charged anything unless and until you are speaking with the person whom you requested. If you are dissatisfied in any way with your Phone Translation experience call us at once at (602) 553-8178 ext. 203 and we will promptly resolve the issue.

Click Here To Set up An Account
Click Here To Add Funds To An Existing Account
Click Here To Make A Reservation For The Phone Translation Call

Russia Women Tours

7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, AZ 85020
fax (602)468-1119

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